Exciting News: I’m Stocking Up on Small Tea Cosies!

Hello fellow Tea Enthusiasts! I am thrilled to share some delightful news with you all. In my little corner of the tea world, I'm always on the lookout for ways to enhance your tea-drinking experience. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been making sure to include a small tea cosies in my Etsy … Continue reading Exciting News: I’m Stocking Up on Small Tea Cosies!

Teatime Tuesday – 14 November 2023

Happy Teatime Tuesday ! It has been a while since I did these kind of posts, but I couldn’t resist putting together this collage after spotting this gorgeous teacup on Pinterest. 😍 “*Photo Credits: Grateful for the inspiration from Pinterest. None of the photos featured belong to me, and I do not own the rights … Continue reading Teatime Tuesday – 14 November 2023

A Festive Honour: My Exclusive Crocheted Tea Purses in The Teacup Attic Christmas 2023 Gift Catalogue

'Tis the season to spread joy and cheer, and what better way to do so than with a cup of tea and a touch of handmade elegance? I am absolutely delighted to announce that my exclusive crocheted tea purses have been featured in The Teacup Attic 2023 Christmas Catalogue. Their Christmas Catalogue offers an array … Continue reading A Festive Honour: My Exclusive Crocheted Tea Purses in The Teacup Attic Christmas 2023 Gift Catalogue

Exploring the World of Teacups: A Guide to Different Types and Their Charms

Hello and Happy Teacup Tuesday! In this blog post, we celebrate the teacup by embarking on a journey through the diverse world of teacups, exploring their unique characteristics and the pleasures they bring to tea enthusiasts worldwide. Tea is a beverage that holds a special place in our hearts, and the vessel from which we … Continue reading Exploring the World of Teacups: A Guide to Different Types and Their Charms

Timeless Brewing Brilliance: A Review of PG Tips Tea (Original)

PG Tips Tea has been around for about 85 years, since the 1930s, when the company Brookes Bond launched it. They called it 'pre-gestee', which meant ‘Digestive Tea’. Digestive tea probably didn’t sound very appealing. When you hear the words 'digestive tea' you imagine all sorts of things, like indigestion and constipation. Well, at least … Continue reading Timeless Brewing Brilliance: A Review of PG Tips Tea (Original)